Feel free to reach out if you need more help.
In case the documentation below doesn't answer your questions about your formula, feel free to email support@outgrow.co. Many of us are Mathematics majors and will be delighted to help :)
Basic Mathematical Operators
You can use basic operators like +, -, x and / by typing them out on the keyboard. You can easily build simple cost and savings calculators with these basic operators. You can also use advanced operators like ^ and log. Simply type them out on your keyboard.
[Advanced] If-Then-Else Statements
To use conditional expressions, you need to use a formula of type x ? y : z. Let's use it in an example for better understanding:
Say, we are trying to access the risk of you hitting your head on the ceiling and it depends on your height. So you will ask a question "What is your height?" and on the basis of the answer assign a risk value.
The expression will take the form: If my height is > 6 feet then my risk of hitting my head on the roof is 90%, else it is 50%. To write this expression is the formula builder, just write:
Q1 > 6 ? 90 : 50
Here, "?" becomes the expression for "then", and ":" becomes the expression for "else"
[Advanced] Other Operators
Feel free to email support@outgrow.co if you need any help with the formula. We will be delighted to help :)