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Outgrow Zapier Integration

Figure out how to send your quiz/calculator leads to Zapier

Outgrow Team avatar
Written by Outgrow Team
Updated over 3 years ago

With Zapier you can integrate your Outgrow calculators and quizzes with over 500 apps.

Zapier Integration helps in automating manual tasks without putting in many efforts. For example, you might want to set up an email to send to the leads you get from your Outgrow calculators or quizzes using Mail Chimp. Now, instead of exporting your leads from Outgrow and manually creating mailing lists, you can create Zaps. These Zaps automatically and regularly pull the lead database and populate your mailing lists.

Zapier allows you to connect your Outgrow calculators and quizzes to your favorite apps and online tools such as Google Docs, MailChimp, Marketo, HubSpot, Get Response, Aweber, Salesforce, InfusionSoft and Active Campaign.


To integrate your Outgrow calculator or quiz with another app you'll require the following:

Outgrow Account
​Zapier account

Note: Zapier has free and paid account plans – see the Zapier Pricing page for more info.

If you wish to integrate Outgrow with premium apps on Zapier, you will require a paid Zapier membership.

Sign up for a Zapier account

Go to the Zapier website

Select the Sign Up for Free button or enter info in the form.

Or log into your existing Zapier account.

How to integrate an app with Outgrow calculator or quiz using Zapier?

Creating a Zap is as simple as it sounds - Zap!

To begin, connect your Outgrow quiz or calculator with Zapier and choose the app you want to integrate with it. You can set up integration using Zapier from within your Outgrow Studio.

Just follow these steps:

  • Login to your Outgrow account.

  • From the Outgrow dashboard select and open the calculator or quiz which you want to integrate with another app.

  • Make sure your calculator or quiz is live and ready to capture leads. Add a test lead to your calculator or quiz before building the Zap.

  • Within the builder, go to the Configure section of the selected calculator or quiz and choose the Integrations option from the left sidebar. from secondary navigation, choose Zapier.

  • In Integrations you will see the list of most popular Zaps. Click on Use this Zap button next to the app with which you want to integrate.

On clicking 'Use this Zap', you will be redirected to the Zapier website in a popup, or in another tab, to make the connection.

If you don't see an app that you want to connect with your Outgrow calculator or quiz in the list above, please drop us a word at

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