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What is hyperbolic tapering?
What is hyperbolic tapering?
Updated over 9 months ago

Hyperbolic tapering (sometimes called the Horowitz-Taylor method) is based on the fact that as antidepressant dose goes up, drug action on brain cells increases, but not in equal steps. Higher dosages have less and less additional influence โ€“ a decreasing return on investment. The graph showing this is called a hyperbolic curve (goes up faster at low doses, and flatter at higher doses).

Tapering based on this method gradually backs you out of the drug with reductions following this natural curve, with the size of dose reduction getting smaller as the dosage gets lower. As very low doses (e.g. 1 or 2mg) have much larger effects than people expect, many people need to taper down to very small doses before stopping so that the final โ€˜jumpโ€™ to zero is not too large a shock to the nervous system. These very low doses are difficult to make up with commonly available tablets, so Outro recommends compounding pharmacies to make these options available.


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