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Equipment & Infrastructure
Equipment & Infrastructure

Cataloguing your infrastructure & equipment data helps OY model your operational costs and capital expenditures with greater accuracy.

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Written by Support
Updated over a year ago

Infrastructure and equipment data can be farm-specific, team-specific, or public, depending on where the data is created and stored.

  • Pubic capex data is built into public crop templates. Assigning a public crop template to a section or row will automatically import the equipment & infrastructure data therein to your Farm dataset (Infrastructure & Equipment page), where it can be rightsized and edited to fit a given farm's context, without altering the original public capex data.

  • Capex data can also be stored as Team data. Duplicating a public template as a team template automatically downloads that template's materials & fuel data to your team dataset, located in your Teams menu. Any capex stored here will be available in all Team projects.

Creating and Editing Capex Data

1. To create or edit capex data, navigate to Equipment & Infrastructure via your Teams Menu or within your Farm Dataset.

Above: Team Capex Data

Below: Farm Capex Data

2. Click New Capex + to add a new item to your list. Alternatively, click an existing capex to edit its details.

3. Within the item, specify:

  • Unit cost - The total cost of purchasing the item.

  • Quantity - How many items you plan to purchase.

  • Purchase year - How many years after your farm Start Date (set in your Project Settings) do you plan to purchase this piece of e

  • Purchase year

  • Requires fuel- Is your capex a piece of machinery that uses fuel, such as a truck or tractor? If so, click the checkbox.

    • Fuel/Hour - Assign a fuel consumption rate.

    • Fuel Type - Assign a Fuel Type from the dropdown;.

  • Implement - Is your capex an implement, such as a drill seeder, brush hog or other tractor attacment? If so, click the check box.

    • Weight class - Specify a weight class for the implement, which will impact fuel consumption.

  • Add notes

Rightsizing Capex Data

If you’ve used a public or team template in your design, you may need to adjust any assumptions made about scale, mechanization, and infrastructure to better suit your existing farm's context.

This can all be done within a farm’s Equipment & Infrastructure dataset.

The following assumptions may need rightsizing:

  • Scale: Overyield assumes you are planting between 10 to 20 planted acres of any given crop. As such, you may need to rightsize costs like irrigation infrastructure, harvest bins, and post-harvest storage to better reflect farm size and anticipated yield.

  • Management: Overyield templates assume a certain level of mechanization for operations such as harvesting, mulching, planting, etc. Farms that plan to manually perform certain activities may need to rightsize not only their operations data, but also their equipment and infrastructure data, to reflect hand-harvesting, hand planting or hand mulching needs.

  • Capital Expenses: Overyield assumes infrastructure and equipment required for farm operations will be purchased outright, not rented. If you already own certain machinery, or if you do not plan to purchase specialized harvesting equipment or post-harvest processing infrastructure, you will need to rightsize this data.

    • The easiest way to rightsize capex data is to simply zero out the unit cost of an individual item. This removes any associated cost from your economic projections, while retaining the equipment data in your Farm Dataset.

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