Like your Capex data and Crop Template data, Materials & Fuel data can be farm-specific, team-specific, or public, depending on where the data is created and stored.
Every public crop template contains built-in materials, which are automatically imported to your farm dataset upon selecting a crop template.
Of course, materials and fuel costs can be highly variable from vendor to vendor and from region to region. As such, your projections will be more accurate if you customize these inputs according to your team’s needs or the needs of individual farms.
Creating & Editing Inputs Data:
1. Navigate to Materials & Fuel
under your Teams Menu or within your Farm Dataset, depending on whether you want to edit team data or farm data.
Above: Team Inputs
Below: Farm Inputs
2. Within the Materials
tab, click New Input+
to create an input. Otherwise, click an existing input to enter and edit its details.
3. Fill in the appropriate input data:
Input name
Enter any identifying information for that input (e.g. fertilizer nutrient ratio, brand or manufacturer, etc.)
How will you measure this input?
Input units are customizable, but should reflect the unit in which the item will be purchased
e.g. lbs, pallets, cubic yards, etc.
Package quantity
How many units are in one purchasable quantity?
e.g. 50 lbs fertilizer per bag
Package cost
What is the cost of one purchasable quantity
Shipping multiplier
Multiply your purchase quantity by this number to estimate shipping.
Shipping rates will vary depending on the item weight, state, vendor, service provider, and delivery timeframe, though a shipping multiplier of 1.1 will account for most scenarios.
4. Click Save
to add the input to your Materials & Fuel Dataset.