What are teams?
A Team refers to a collections of users with shared access to the same projects and data.
Users can belong to unlimited teams, though they will typically only belong to one.
All of your team data and settings can be accessed via the Teams Menu on the Homescreen.
Team projects
Members of the same team have access to all of the same projects (i.e. individual users cannot be permissioned to specific projects.)
Team projects are located under
in the Teams menu.Projects can be assigned to a given team while creating a project, or by:
Navigating into to a project
Project Settings
Selecting a team in the dropdown menu.
Team data
Team Data can be accessed via your Teams menu on the home screen. This data includes inputs, capital expenditures, and team crop templates that can be accessed in all of your Team Projects.
To learn more about Team Data, check out our article: Building your Farm Dataset
Team Settings
Adding team members:
When adding team members, the number of individuals with editing access will depend on the number of editor seats purchased during account set-up.
Unlimited viewers can be added to a team.
To add a team member:
Add Member+
.Enter their email address.
Assign the individual either Admin, Editor, or Viewer permissions.
Add Member
Changing user permissions:
Users on a given team may have differential permission settings: viewer, editor, or admin.
User permissions can be adjusted by:
Navigating to
Team Members
under the Teams menu.On the Team Members page, click the
arrow beside the user whose permissions you’d like to adjust.Select Viewer, Editor or Admin in the dropdown.
Changing the team name:
The team name may be edited under
Team Settings
via the Teams menu.