Yes. In the event that you will be planting nursery stock propagated on-farm, there are several design- and crop template-level adjustments that you'll need to make to ensure these costs are accounted for.
Step 1: Duplicate the template for the crop you plan to propagate; adjust its details.
Navigate into the template. In the "Template Actions" dropdown, click "Create Team Template."
In the new/duplicated template:
Adjust unit cost (i.e. nursery cost) to "0," since planting stock will be produced on-farm.
Rename the crop template, so you can identify this template as the seed-grown version.
Step 1: Shift your start year forward.
In your design, first select the sections that will be planted with the propagated material.
Assign the new seed-grown template to this section(s).
Then, shift the "Start year" of the sections forward by the number of years required for propagation (e.g. if it takes 1 year for germination and 2 years for growth to suitable planting size, shift your start year forward by 3 years).
Adjusting the start year will shift production expenses and input purchases forward accordingly within your projections.
Step 2: Create a crop template for your nursery production.
In the operations tab of this crop template, you will include whatever activities are necessary to operate and maintain your nursery. See below example.
Within each operation, define the timing of the activity, labor requirements and any inputs/equipment that are essential. This may include attaching substrate to a potting task, and defining how many gallons of substrate are used per tree; attaching a tractor to a bed prep task, and defining any implements used during bed prep; etc.
Step 3: In your design, define the area you plan to use for nursery production, and assign the nursery template to this section. Nursery costs will auto-adjust based on the number of tree points (propagules) in your design.