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Can I model the costs of on-farm propagation for seed-grown nursery material?
Can I model the costs of on-farm propagation for seed-grown nursery material?
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Written by Support
Updated over a year ago

Yes. In the event that you will be planting nursery stock propagated on-farm, there are several design- and crop template-level adjustments that you'll need to make to ensure these costs are accounted for.

Step 1: Duplicate the template for the crop you plan to propagate; adjust its details.

  • Navigate into the template. In the "Template Actions" dropdown, click "Create Team Template."

  • In the new/duplicated template:

    • Adjust unit cost (i.e. nursery cost) to "0," since planting stock will be produced on-farm.

    • Rename the crop template, so you can identify this template as the seed-grown version.

Step 1: Shift your start year forward.

  • In your design, first select the sections that will be planted with the propagated material.

  • Assign the new seed-grown template to this section(s).

  • Then, shift the "Start year" of the sections forward by the number of years required for propagation (e.g. if it takes 1 year for germination and 2 years for growth to suitable planting size, shift your start year forward by 3 years).

    • Adjusting the start year will shift production expenses and input purchases forward accordingly within your projections.

Step 2: Create a crop template for your nursery production.

  • In the operations tab of this crop template, you will include whatever activities are necessary to operate and maintain your nursery. See below example.

  • Within each operation, define the timing of the activity, labor requirements and any inputs/equipment that are essential. This may include attaching substrate to a potting task, and defining how many gallons of substrate are used per tree; attaching a tractor to a bed prep task, and defining any implements used during bed prep; etc.

Step 3: In your design, define the area you plan to use for nursery production, and assign the nursery template to this section. Nursery costs will auto-adjust based on the number of tree points (propagules) in your design.

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