Firstly i'd like to state that much of what is included may be allowed by default depending on who your firewall vendor is and how strict they have been. Explicit whitelisting may not be required.
Web Services
Port 80 and 443 should be open outbound for TCP traffic to our Web Applications and services.
UDP Ports in the Firewall: 5055, 5056, 5058, 27000, 27001, 27002
For each domain listed we assume all sub-domains would be included.
We have actively been working to ensure our domains are not blocked by major providers so explicitly allowing these may not be necessary depending on the client's firewall vendor.
Domain | Purpose | VR Client Version(s) |
* | Our main entry point for learners. Required for authentication, sending feedback. | All |
* | Required for voice control scenarios. This API is the entry point into our ML Models required for these scenarios. | MB7 > (MB11*) |
* | This is the address of our Scenario Authoring Platform (OMS Create) and is required for Content Delivery. | MB8+ |
* | This domain is used to host services that may be consumed by the VR Client including the new approach to voice control | MB11+ |
IP Addresses
This approach is not recommended because the IP Addresses are out of our control and subject to change.
We cannot guarantee that the IP Address will stay within this range.
If you wish to whitelist the IPs for the rather than the domain then you must whitelist the Cloudflare IP which can be found here: IP Ranges | Cloudflare.
This is because the Hub is hosted behind a proxy to prevent direct denial of service attacks on our infrastructure.
For the domain which is required for Cloud Delivery again there is no fixed IP. At the time of writing the possible ranges are:
Finding the current ranges for OMS Create
This is done on a WSL2 terminal using the jq package
sudo apt-get install jq
wget -O ip-ranges.json
The command for all addresses is
jq -r '.prefixes[] | select(.region=="us-east-1") | select(.service=="EC2") | .ip_prefix' < ip-ranges.json
All emails - including invitation, activation and password reset - via the OMS Hub (Web App) come from
That email address should be added to any email security systems, as well as our email client sending IP address of