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Add Users in Bulk

Adding users in bulk is useful when adding more than 10 user accounts at a time.

Written by OMS Support
Updated over 8 months ago

You can add users in bulk by importing them via a csv spreadsheet. A template spreadsheet can be downloaded via the Import Users tab on your Admin account.

Watch this video for a full explanation of adding users in bulk.

Some useful things to remember about the user import function:

  • First name and last names are required fields. Avoid using special characters (letters with accents or hyphens) in these fields.

  • Email addresses must be unique to each user.

  • Voiceover gender preference, user code, year of graduation, role and Group(s) are not required fields. If you are not using these leave the column heading in tact and the rest of the column blank.

  • Do not add any blank rows or columns amongst your user information.

  • When adding users to Groups in the spreadsheet, ensure the Group name appears exactly as it does on your OMS account online (including any capitalization and spacing).

  • Prior to uploading, save your spreadsheet as a CSV.

  • Use Google Chrome as your browser when uploading your user import to OMS.

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