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Dog Settings Page

How to modify your K9's configuration in PACKTRACK

Jonathon Balogh avatar
Written by Jonathon Balogh
Updated over 3 years ago

We’re in the process of updating the PACKTRACK interface, step by step, to improve the experience for everyone. We’ve introduced a modernized Dogs page with more features and a layout that adapts across all devices – from phones to desktop computers. Dogs are now listed on summary “cards” which provide a clear overview of their configuration and a summary of their training and deployment activity. The card view is interactive and has options for changing the dog image, viewing documents or editing dog details. The menu button (3 horizontal dots) in the upper right of each dog card shows a drop-down menu with additional options.


Choosing to Add or Edit a dog shows a panel on the right side of the page. There are 3 options in the upper left of this panel for managing your dog’s information: Edit Details, Edit Photo and Manage Documents. Feel free to explore some of the new functionality. For example, the Edit Details option shows new dog configuration fields including settings for your dog’s Patrol Types and Detection Odor Types. Information on how these new dog type settings are used is covered in the sections below.

The Edit Photo screen now supports drag and drop and provides additional image editing options like zoom and rotation. Managing documents for your dogs is easier than ever. In addition to supporting drag and drop to upload new files, you can now rename your files and organize them into categories. If you have questions about how these new screens work then check out the instructions shown in the bottom left of the panel.

Edit K9 Photo Screen

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