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How To Use Location Tracking
How To Use Location Tracking

Step by step instructions for using each of the 3 location tracking modes

Jonathon Balogh avatar
Written by Jonathon Balogh
Updated over 9 months ago

The Location Tracking interface is available in the PACKTRACK mobile app. Tap the Location Tracking button on the Home page or select the Plus button and then New Location Track on the Records page. You'll notice that there are three distinct tracking modes: 1) Deployment Track, 2) Training Lay Track and 3) Training Follow. The instructions below explain each mode in order. You may also view the instructions for each tracking mode within the app by pressing the appropriate LEARN MORE link before starting your track.

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Mode 1: Follow Deployment Track

Use the deployment tracking feature to record the path you take during a deployment. PACKTRACK automatically generates a deployment record, records your route and shows it live on your phone. When you're done you may save the track for later or choose to complete the associated deployment record right away. Relevant tracking data, such as duration, distance, turns and weather is automatically populated in your deployment record along with a map of your track. Supervisors have the option of viewing your track remotely as it's created.


  1. Press the Start Track button, turn off the phone and put it in your pocket.

  2. Follow the track with your K9. Your position is recorded as you move.

  3. Record any important locations by taking a picture with the Quick Pin button.

  4. Press the Stop Track button when the track is done.

  5. Save the track for later or complete the tracking deployment record right away.

Mode 2: Lay Training Track

As the track layer, your role is to create an invisible scent trail for the K9 team to follow during training. PACKTRACK records your path and displays it live on your phone as you go. When your laid track is done it becomes available to follow by any K9 team within 500 yards of the starting point. Track layers do not require a PACKTRACK account. Tap the link in the app on the first screen to bypass login and jump straight to the track laying screen. Before starting your track feel free to customize the laid track name to make it easier for the K9 team to find later. Note that laid tracks have a limited life and will disappear after 3 days if not used by a track follower.


  1. Press the Start Track button, turn off the phone and put it in your pocket.

  2. Continue moving to create a path that the K9 team will follow. Your position is recorded as you move.

  3. Record any important locations by taking a picture with the Quick Pin button.

  4. Press the Stop Track button when the laid track is done.

  5. Save the track so that it can be followed by the K9 team.

Mode 3: Follow Training Track

The K9 team is responsible for accurately following the invisible scent trail left by the track layer. If you previously created an exercise then select it from the Tracking Exercise dropdown. If not, then select the "Create new exercise automatically" option and PACKTRACK will create a training event and exercise just for you. Next, choose your K9 and the laid track that you will follow. You must be within 500 yards of where the laid track was started to see it as an option. To follow without specifying the laid track choose the "Follow without laid track" option. Finally, choose the laid track's visibility. If you don't want to see the laid track or where it starts then choose Hidden. To see where the laid track started choose the Start Location option. To reveal the entire laid track choose the Visible option. Note that revealing the laid track will set the "Track location is known" checkbox in your exercise completion record. When you're ready, tap the Start Track button to begin following the track layer's path and tap the Stop Track button when done.


  1. Choose appropriate settings for the exercise, K9, laid track and laid track visibility.

  2. Press the Start Track button, turn off the phone and put it in your pocket.

  3. Follow the scent trail of the track layer. Your position is recorded as you move.

  4. Record any important locations by taking a picture with the Quick Pin button.

  5. Press the Stop Track button when you finish following the track.

  6. Save the track for later or fill out the tracking exercise completion record right away.

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