Step 1.) Go to your course shell and select “Content”
Step 2.) Click “Build Content”
Step 3.) Click “Web Link” as pictured in the below screenshot
Step 4.) Place a checkmark in “This link is a Tool Provider”
Step 5.) Enter in the information listed below
NAME: Enter in a Name for the link as described in the image below.
URL: Enter in the LTI Launch URL for that unique section. This is available in the “My Classes” section of the panOpen interface. You may also contact for this information
Key: Enter in the LTI key. This is available in the “My Classes” section of the panOpen interface. You may also contact for this information
Secret: Enter in the LTI secret. This is available in the “My Classes” section of the panOpen interface. You may also contact for this information
Scroll down until you see “Open in a New Window” and select “Yes”
Click "Submit"
Please note, these steps will need to be completed for each section being taught. Each section will have a unique "Web Link".
We have a simplified Single Sign on and Gradebook integration, however, this requires setup by your LMS administrators. If you would like this, please connect us with your LMS admins.