The Cloze Chemistry question type allows students to enter chemical formulas into empty response boxes, which may form part of an equation, or appear in the middle of the text.
Figure 1: Chemistry Formula Cloze question example.
Create a Question
Enter the question stem in the Compose Question area. The Template Markup area below is used in Cloze Chemistry questions to add text and response boxes. Response boxes that support chemistry expressions can be placed in the middle of text. For each new response box you can either use the Insert Response button in the Rich Text Editor panel (see Figure 2) or manually enter {{response}}. Each response box in the Template area is known as a container (containers can support multiple response boxes).
Figure 2: Rich Text Editor panel with Insert Response button.
Figure 3 shows how the Formula template area looks like with a chemistry equation and one response container.
Figure 3: Cloze Chemistry question basic parameters.
Each container in the Formula template area will be labeled Response 1, Response 2 etc. As mentioned above, you can add multiple response boxes within one container. For this, you will need to configure the Edit individual response containers section. This can be found under More Options. Below is a breakdown of available attributes:
Template - You can enter complex chemistry equations and response boxes here. The Template is a LaTeX area. Chemistry expressions should be added with the LaTeX Keypad. You can add multiple response boxes here.
Width and Height - You can enter container width and height in pixels, i.e. 60px and 30px, in order to change standard dimensions.
Follow these steps in order to configure validation:
Insert a value in the Point(s) box to define a score for the question. The default value is set to 1.
In the Correct tab below you will Response submenus. These correspond to the responses you have entered in the Template area. In our example, there is only one response container so we are going to set validation under Equation Value 1 only.
Select the scoring method and enter the correct response in the Value field. In this example, the student response should be exactly the same as in the validation area. In this case, select equivLiteral as a scoring method. Then we enter the correct response in the Value field as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Validation settings for cloze chemistry question with one response container.
Each scoring method has additional options that allow authors to set more precise validation conditions. When you select a scoring method all extra options will be displayed below the menu.
More complex chemistry questions may need a second scoring method applied. You can combine several scoring methods to set more strict validation rules. For instance, you may want the system to accept a response that is not only correct but is also given in certain measurement units. In this case, add another method called isUnit. Click the +Add button below the first scoring method to add a new scoring method.
More Options
Unscored/Practice usage - Removes all scoring from the question.
Penalty point(s) - The value entered here will be deducted from the student for an incorrect answer.
Minimum score if attempted - Set attempt marks for the question.
Check answer button - Show or hide the Check answer button from the student.
Check answer attempts - The value entered here refers to how many times the student can use the Check answer button before it is disabled.
Transparent background - If this is enabled, the background of the response area will match the color of the rest of the background area.
Response minimum width (px) - Enter, in pixels, the minimum width of the response area.
Template font scale - Scales the font relative to the question's font size. The default value is 150%.
Response container (global) and Edit individual response containers - Configure the Width and the Height, in pixels, for either all response containers or for specified response containers.
Type - Select from a Floating keypad, a Block keypad, a Block on focus keypad, or no keypad.
Show keypad hints - Enable or disable hints on the keypad, such as keyboard shortcuts and symbol group titles that are shown on the top left corner of the keypad when hovering over a symbol group key.
Number pad - Customise the number pad in this section.
Symbols - Select what symbol groups will be shown to the student, or create custom symbol groups.
Text blocks - Use this option when you want to define a list of custom units (such as g, kg, cm, oz, etc.) that will not be rendered as LaTeX.