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Image Annotation Upload
Daniel Santamaria avatar
Written by Daniel Santamaria
Updated over a week ago

This question type allows students to upload and annotate an image. The question can be used in two ways. One way is using annotation tool to add response boxes and label the image that has been uploaded by the author. This can be auto scored. Another way is asking the students to upload an image themselves directly from their machine and then use the annotation tool to place and label the response areas. In this case the question cannot be auto scored.

Figure 1: Example of question with author uploaded image.

Figure 2: Example of question with student uploaded image.

Create a question

After entering the question stem in the Compose question field, no additional steps are required if an image is to be uploaded by the students. You can make styling changes in the Formatting pane and save the question. 

Below we will look at how to author a question when the image is uploaded by the author.


In the Formatting pane you can change the font size. You can also specify Max Width of the response area. The value can be inserted in px or em.


Scoring type

Insert a value in the Score field to set up a mark for the question and select one of the following scoring types:

  • Exact Match - Student must answer all parts of the question correct to receive a mark.

  • Partial Match Per Response - Each response will be awarded an individual score.

  • Partial Match - Each response will be scored individually and the overall question score will be divided between responses.

Valid response

On top of the Validation pane you will see the Stimulus Image sectiona and upload an image you want the students to label. You can then specify its width and height. These will be the dimensions of the preview that will appear below.

Now you have to draw Validation areas. They are polygons you draw on the image preview in order to define area(s) that should be labelled. It can be used when you want the students to label only specific parts of the image.
In the image preview start drawing validation areas. You will see the areas you create as highlighted polygons with borders, titled Area 1, Area 2 etc. Draw as many validation areas as you need. Validation areas will not be seen by students.

Figure 3: Drawing validation areas.

Now you can define correct response for each validation area. For this click on "+" beside the Value section to add response boxes. You will see that each empty response box is titled Valid response for area 1, Valid response for area 2 etc. Enter correct responses for each validation area as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Entering correct responses for each validation area.

The question will be marked as correct if the student types the correct answers in the response boxes and places them correctly on the respective areas as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: A completed image upload question.

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