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Fill Shape
Vladimir Franco avatar
Written by Vladimir Franco
Updated over 5 years ago

Using the fill shape question type, the student can drag and drop different sized shape parts into a circle, grid, or rectangle, as a response to a question.

Figure 1: How the fill shape question (circle option) will look to the student.

To author a Fill Shape question, follow the guidelines below:

  • Fill in the Compose Question area with your desired question or instructions to the student.

  • Underneath, you have the option to change the shape type to either a circle, rectangle, or grid. You can also change the data format - this is the data type that is represented by each response option shape - you can select from degree, fraction, or percent with fill shape - circle, or fraction and percent with fill shape - rectangle and fill shape - grid.

Figure 2: Shape type and data format options.

  • In the shape parts section, you can define the value and number of segments in the circle, grid, or rectangle. This will be the area or areas that the student can drag the response shapes into. See Figure 3 and Figure 4 for examples.

Figure 3: Set number and size of shape parts.

Figure 4: How the circle will look with our defined shape parts values.

  • Next, you can define the various possible responses that the student can select their answers from. As with the shape parts option, enter the value in the text box. You can also select a colour for the possible responses - these can all be the same colour, or different colors. Click on the +ADD button to add more possible responses, and click on the trash can icon to delete a possible response.

Figure 5: Configuring the number and size of each possible response option available to the student.

  • Underneath the โ€œSet correct answer(s)โ€ heading is where the validation area is located. Enter the score for the question in the Point(s) box, and set Alternate responses with the blue and white + button - this is useful if you are willing to give different scores for different answers, or to accept more than one answer as correct.

There are two scoring methods available in this question type; count by value and count by response:

  • Count by value - with this method, the value of each part that the student drops inside the shape is added together, and if it equals the value entered in validation by the author, it is correct.

Figure 6: Count by value.

  • Count by response - use this method if you want to configure that only specific shape parts in specific locations on the shape will be accepted as the correct answer.

Figure 7: Count by response.

  • The show labels option defines whether the label indicating the value of each shape part will be visible to the student or not - it is enabled by default. Duplicate responses, which is enabled by default also, will allow the student to drag and drop the same response multiple times inside the shape.

More options

  • Unscored/Practice usage: Enable this option to remove all scoring from the question; this is useful for practice tests or informal assessment.

  • Scoring type: The only scoring type available for this question is exact match.

  • Penalty point(s): The value entered here indicates the number of points that will be taken from the student score, for an incorrect response.

  • Minimum score if attempted: The value entered here indicates the number of marks the student will receive for attempting the question.

  • Check answer button: Enabling this will display a check answer button at bottom-right of the question, that the student can use to check if their answer is correct or incorrect.

  • Check answer attempts: The value entered here indicates the number of times that the student can use the check answer button before it becomes disabled. 0 means there is an unlimited number of times.

  • Possible response settings: this section only applies to the rectangle and grid fill shape question types. In this section, you can make each possible response option an image, click +ADD to upload an image and then ensure you have the correct shape type selected from the drop down - use rectangle if you are using the fill shape - rectangle question, and use the circle if you are using the fill shape - grid option.

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