Impact Tracking

How to use the PAR Golf app to track impact location or strike quality while playing.

Dallas Webster avatar
Written by Dallas Webster
Updated over a week ago

If you can't find the center of the club face, you're going to struggle to score on the golf course. The fastest way to improve strike quality is to first be aware of your current impact locations as you play in order to do specific practice or skill work to move those strikes to the center of the clubface.

The above image shows what the Impact tracking looks like for any given shot on the PAR Golf phone app. If you enable 'Impact' under Tracking Preferences and have an Apple Watch, you'll be shown the below option any time a full swing is detected.

With a quick tap, you can log where you hit the ball on the club face to get specific feedback after the round. A new feature in the round summary breaks down your strike quality into three categories (Driver / Woods, Irons / Hybrids, and Wedges). This will allow you to see at a glance what your strike tendencies are so that you can work with a coach or on your own to improve.

Don't know where you're hitting it or how to tell? You can buy 'golf impact tape' on Amazon or use footspray to train yourself on what each type of strike feels like so that you know how to log this information on the golf course. If you keep your clubs clean, typically a quick glance at the club face will also show a grass stain or residue where you struck the ball. This is a critical skill to develop to play better golf.

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