Content Preferences
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Always want: Manage the people, places, and things that will always be shown in your For You feed when they are in the news.
Don’t want: Manage the topics that you do not want to see.
Topic Tuner
Run the Topic Tuner to swipe through different news stories and train Particle on the topics you want to see, and those you don’t!
Edit Profile
Tap Edit Profile to see your full name, username, email address, and avatar. Currently, you can update your avatar, but you cannot change your full name, username, or email address. Contact us if you’d like to change something.
Tap Bookmarks to see your bookmarked stories. To bookmark a story, tap on the overflow menu on any story and select “Bookmark”.
To remove a bookmark, tap the overflow menu and select Remove Bookmark.
Bookmarked stories also show a bookmark icon at the top right of a story detail, and you can tap that icon to remove the bookmark as well.
Daily Digest
If you have notifications for Particle enabled, you can select up to 3 personalized Daily Digests to receive.
Morning Digest: Approximately 7am local time
Midday Digest: Approximately noon local time
Evening Digest: Approximately 6pm local time
Content Density
Choose between 3 density settings for your For You feed: Large tiles (recommended), Mixed, and Dense.
Large tiles (recommended): All stories are large, with big photos and helpful subheads.
Mixed: Some tiles are dense, but stories with many articles are large.
Dense tiles: Fit more stories on the screen with smaller, denser tiles.
Logout and Delete Account
To logout, tap the logout button. You can log back in at any time.
To delete your account, tap the Delete Account button and follow the instructions. Deleting an account is a permanent, irreversible action.
Contact us for any help.