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Story Topics: On any story, tap the 3 dots and then "Topics" to see the topic classifications for the story, and fine tune your preferences by tapping "+" or "-" for each topic.
Topic Tuner: All new users will see our Topic Tuner as they go through signup, which lets you rate stories and train Particle on what you want to see, and what you don’t. But if you’d like to do it again, you can access the Topic Tuner at any time from Settings → Content Preferences → Topic Tuner to refine your preferences.
Follows: You can follow key people, places, things, by tapping on highlighted words, and tapping "Follow". You can also receive push notifications whenever they are in the news by tapping the Bell icon. You can also see what frequency to expect the stories in your feed (or in push notifications if you’ve chosen to) on the same screen:
Authors and Publishers: Just like with key people, places, and things, you can follow individual authors and publishers. See more about Authors and Publishers on Particle here.