In-Page Push is a unique advertising format that combines banner advertising and push notifications. For advertisers, this format solves several problems at once. It allows running advertising campaigns on iOS devices without requiring user subscriptions.
In-Page Push Features
Integration with the Website. In-Page Push notifications are displayed on the site page and can be identified as messages from the system, browser, or platform.
Optional Subscription. Users do not need to subscribe to push notifications. They see notifications on the site page only because they are currently on it.
Anti-AdBlock. Unlike some types of advertising, In-Page Push can bypass ad blockers, positively affecting their reach to users.
iOS Support. Classic push notifications are not displayed on devices running on iOS. In the case of In-Page Push, this problem does not exist.
Browser Support. In-Page Push is compatible with all platforms and browsers.
Low Cost. Payment in Push.House is based on the CPC model. The minimum cost per click for In-Page starts at $0.0001.