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Visitor Cross-Shopping

How to identify the retail chains that are popular with visitors

Matt Taaffe avatar
Written by Matt Taaffe
Updated over a week ago

This article explains how to use the Visitor Cross-Shopping analytic that’s available in the Places section.

This article covers:

  • Using the analytic

  • Applying filters

  • Exporting the data

↳ Using the Visitor Cross-Shopping analytic

The Visitor Cross-Shopping analytic in the Places section

Above: The Visitor Cross-Shopping analytic in the Places section

The Visitor Cross-Shopping analytic looks at the consumer habits of visitors. Chains are ranked by the percentage of visitors seen in any of their locations in the trailing twelve months.

The table includes the following fields:

  • Chain Name: The name of the retail, hospitality or leisure chain

  • Category: The broad category that the chain belongs to, e.g. Apparel & Accessories

  • Subcategory: A more granular categorisation, e.g. Women’s Clothing

  • Nearest Place: The distance to the nearest location of the chain

  • Percentage: The percentage of visitors that also visit this chain

Each field can be ordered ascending or descending. Click the column header to cycle through the options.

↳ Applying filters

Filtering the analytic by Chain Name

Above: Filtering the analytic by Chain Name

Each field can be filtered. Click the ⋮ icon to apply a filter.

Filters include:

  • Chain Name: Allowing you to search for specific companies

  • Category: Allowing you to include or exclude broad categories

  • Subcategory: Allowing you to include or exclude more specific categories

  • Nearest location: Allowing you to include or exclude places within a certain distance

  • Percentage: Allowing you to include or exclude chains based on the percentage of visitors that visit there

⚠︎ Note: Using multiple filters

It is possible to apply multiple filters on the table. Filters are applied consecutively so retrace your steps to avoid hiding data. Columns that have a filter applied will display the filter icon.

↳ Exporting the data

The export data modal

Above: The export data modal

You can export the data as an image by clicking the download button in the top right hand corner. That opens up the export data modal displayed above.

A dialog box will open so that you can download the data. Simply enter a filename and click ‘Export’ to download as a .png.

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