Step 1: Select "Other Tools" from the menu on the left side.
Step 2: Select the "Surveys" box.
Step 3: Select "Create a New Survey" in the upper right corner of the screen.
Step 4: Fill out information about your survey in the text boxes provided. Create a title, give a short description of the survey and select whether or not you want responses to be anonymous (click "Yes") or public (click "No".)
Decide how you want the survey to be formatted: Multiple Choice (Text), Essay or Multiple Choice (Images.)
*MULTIPLE CHOICE (TEXT)* If you want the survey to have multiple choice answers for each question then select "Multiple choice (text)." Next, type the first survey question in the "Question Text" box. Add responses below the question. Click "Add another choice" to add more choices below box A.
To add another question, click "Add new question" on the lower left side of the screen. Repeat the instructions above until all survey questions are complete.
*Essay Format* If you want the survey to allow people to type their own response to a given question then select "Essay Format." Next, type first essay question in the "Question text" box.
To add another question, click "Add new question" on the lower left side of the screen. Repeat the instructions above until all survey questions are complete.
*MULTIPLE CHOICE (IMAGES)* If you want the survey to be multiple choice with pictures for each question then select "Multiple choice (Images)." Next, type first survey question in the "Question Text" box. To add images for survey question, you can drag and drop an image or click blue "upload file." Pictures will automatically be put into multiple choice format A (picture 1),B (picture 2), etc (see screenshot below.)
To add another question, click "Add new question" on the lower left side of the screen. Repeat the instructions above until all survey questions are complete.
Step 6: After all survey questions have been added to the survey, click the blue "Create Survey" button in the lower right corner.
Step 7: Click the box next to each person that you would like to share survey with or to share with all owners/units click the SELECT ALL box at the top. When ready to share, click the blue "Share" button.