Note: Owners can request to join your association using your unique group sign-up link or by going to and requesting to join. When this occurs, you will receive an email of the request. If the owner is a part of your association, the below steps will show how to connect them with their account and confirm their registration. If they are not a part of your association, then you can deny the registration.
Step 1: Go to the "People" tab.
Step 2: Click the "New Registrations" header.
Step 3: Look over the information provided. If the owner is part of your association, under matched to unit, click "Update Unit." A new box will appear with the current units/addresses in your association. Checkmark the box/boxes next to the unit/units that the requester owns. Click the blue Done button.
Note: If the requester's unit is a new one/not one in the association's system yet, click "+ Create New Unit" and fill in the information. This could happen in the case of a new home being built.
Step 4: Under matched to owner, click "Update Owner". A dropdown box will appear saying select an owner. Click the dropdown and select the owner's name from the list if it appears.
Note: If the requester's name is not in the list and not in your association yet, click "Add new Owner" under the dropdown and fill in the information.
Step 5: Once everything is matched, the confirm button will turn green. Click the green confirm button.
Note: Everything on your side, as an administrator, is complete! Once you click the confirm button, an activation email is automatically sent to the owner for them to setup their password and login.