Step 1: Click on the Other Tools Tab.
Step 2: Click on the Message Board Box.
Step 3: Click the Gear Icon corresponding to the Message Board you are wishing to edit.
Step 4: Select Edit.
Step 5: Change Title, description, settings, or icon that you wish to be different. Settings are described below.
Allow Comments - Toggle this on for users to comment on the posted threads of your bulletin board. You will want this toggled off if the goal is to have members communicate back and forth via the board. If the message board is more of an announcement-style board, you may want to leave comments toggled off.
Who Can See Threads in this Board - Remember that threads in the boards are similar to Facebook posts. Selecting individuals here allows those users to see the threads of the board. Select Everyone in your association as the setting if you want this board's threads visible to all members. If the message board is meant to be a specific group of users, then Toggle on the "Admins and X Selected Members" option. If you just want an administrator to view it, you are done. If you want admins plus other selected members, click the blue "0 selected members" button and checkmark the other users you wish to view the threads. Click the blue select to save them.
Who Can Create and Edit Threads in this Board - Select Everyone in your association as the setting if you want anyone to be able to make or edit threads in this board. If the message board is meant to be a specific group of users, then Toggle on the "Admins and X Selected Members" option. If you just want the administrator to create/edit it you are done. If you want admins plus other selected members, click the blue "0 selected members" button and checkmark the other users you wish to create/edit the threads. Click the blue select to save them.
Step 6: Click the blue "Save" button.