Adding starting balances to units is essential to getting your PayHOA account set up correctly. Most communities have some units that have a previous balance when they implement PayHOA. This article will give you directions on how to enter in starting balances for homeowners that owe the association and also will give directions on how to enter in starting balances for homeowners who have overpaid.
Steps on how to add in balances for homeowners who owe
Step 1: Go to "Invoices" in the left navigation and click "Create an Invoice" at the top right corner of the page. Note: If you've never created an invoice before in PayHOA, you'll see the button in the middle of the page to "+ Add Invoice."
Step 2: Select all the units that have a previous balance.
Step 3: Click the "Add Charge" button in the middle of the page.
Step 4: Fill in the required fields, and click the checkbox that says "set amount per unit." This will let you assign different amounts for each unit.
Note: you can backdate the previous balance invoice to age it correctly in your reports. You can also create a new revenue category for this invoice if you want to track it separately from other revenue.
Step 5: Click "Save Charge," then click "Submit Invoices"
Steps on how to enter in starting balances for homeowners who overpaid/have a credit
Step 1: Go to "Payments" in the left navigation and click "Record payment" in the top right corner of the page!
Step 2: Next, you will search which unit you would like to add a starting balance to. Then you will type in the amount of that starting balance, select account credit as the method, and select the owner. You will also need to select a date for when you want the starting balance to show. For example, if you are entering starting balances as of 1/1/23 then that would be your payment date. You can also add a note such as "Starting balance." Note: We recommend toggling off the "Email Receipt", since you're backdating, there will not cause confusion with homeowners.
Step 2: You can record multiple starting balances where owners have overpaid in one swoop by clicking on "Add Another Payment" at the bottom left corner of this window and following the same instruction in step 1.
Step 3: After you have finished these steps, click on "Review Payments" at the bottom right corner. This will take you to a window to look over the payments you just recorded to make sure everything looks correct! If everything looks correct, click "Submit Payments" at the bottom right corner! Note: If you need to go back and edit a payment/s, before submitting the payment/s, just click the "Go back" button at the bottom left corner and you will be able to edit the payment/s there!