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How to Split Transactions
Brittany Spangler avatar
Written by Brittany Spangler
Updated over a year ago

This article will help guide you on how to split transactions into different categories/ different amounts. For example: If the association had an expense that had internet/ phone, combined. When that expense is put into the PayHOA, you might want to categorize that transaction as part internet & part phone depending on your association. Below will provide the steps on how to do so.

Step 1: Go to the transactions tab and find the transaction you wish to split.

Step 2: Click on the words, in the description column, of that transaction. The transaction will open up.

Step 3: In blue, you will see "Split this Transaction" click that.

Step 4: You will then see that this has added a second line item. You can edit the description on each line item, select different categories in the category section, and edit the amount of how much will go towards each category.

Step 5: You can also add additional splits by clicking "Add Additional Split", in blue, on the righthand side. This will allow you to split the transaction into as many categories as you prefer.

Step 6: Once splitting is completed, click "Update" to save the split on the transaction.

One note: If your split amounts do not add up to the total of the original transaction, then the split will not let allow you to save/update. Make sure your totals add up to the original to complete the saving/split.

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