This article will show you step by step on how to unlink offline payments from a deposit in the transactions tab. Keep in mind, PayHOA and PayHOA Lockbox deposits are automatically linked. These cannot/should not be unlinked.
Step 1: Go to your transactions tab.
Step 2: Find the deposit that you wish to unlink a payment from.
Step 3: Click on the words in the description column, then the transaction will open up.
Step 4: At the bottom, in blue, you will see "Unlink Payment From Transactions", click that.
Step 5: This will then open up a screen of homeowners that are linked to this transactions.
Step 6: Select all that apply to unlinking, by clicking on the box on the lefthand side of the homeowners name.
Step 7: Once you have selected all that apply, click "Submit" to save changes.