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Adding Users

How to invite users to your PaymentHub account

Doug avatar
Written by Doug
Updated over a week ago

You can add users to your account. A PaymentHub user can have one or more of the following roles:

  • USER – Can view data but cannot make any changes

  • MANAGER – Can edit account information, modify the payment method, and add/edit the mailing address

  • USER ADMINISTRATOR – Can invite, edit, or delete users.

Caution: Before granting access to another individual, make sure you understand the implications of granting access and the level of privileges for each role. Exactuals LLC is not legally responsible for any unauthorized changes made to your account.

Use the following steps to invite users:

1. In the left-hand panel, go to USERS, then click on INVITE USERS.

2. Enter up to 10 email addresses and select a role or enter each email address separately to select different roles for each individual.

3. Each of the users you entered will then receive an email from inviting them to PaymentHub. The email invitation may show up in their junk/spam folders.

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