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Should I Train for a Sport, Goal, or Tactical Readiness?
Should I Train for a Sport, Goal, or Tactical Readiness?

Explaining the difference between the different training goal paths inside Peak Strength.

Ivan Escott avatar
Written by Ivan Escott
Updated over 2 weeks ago

There are three primary paths for training goals inside of Peak Strength:

  • Train for a sport

  • Train for a goal

  • Train for tactical readiness

Training for a Sport

The sport goals offer strength programs that are tailored to the needs for a specific sport. There are 39 different sport options and positions to select from through this path.

This path emphasizes strength movements relevant to the sport you select. The sport goals path is recommended if you have a specific athletic goal or want to improve performance in a particular sport. This path caters to athletes of all levels including and not limited to middle school, high school, collegiate, post collegiate, club, amateur, professional, and recreational levels.

Training for a Goal

The general goal-oriented path offers strength and fitness programs that are tailored to the needs of people that are non-competitive athletes, but are looking for an athletic approach to physical fitness. OR or for competitive athletes looking to improve a more specific quality over the off season.

There are 5 focuses, or program types, under this path:

  • Hypertrophy

  • Strength

  • Athletic Fitness

  • Speed

  • Explosiveness

  • Endurance

  • Weight Loss

Within each of these goals, there are even more dedicated paths and selections to help Peak Strength understand exactly what you want to train for.

This path is ideal for individuals seeking overall strength, conditioning, and athleticism. General goal-oriented programs offer a balanced approach to fitness without focusing on a particular sport.

Training for Tactical Readiness

The final group of programs falls under the training for tactical readiness. This path is created and recommended for service members, emergency services, and first responders. Within this path, there are three additional paths:

  • Military

  • Law Enforcement

  • Fire and Rescue

These programs prioritize strength and endurance so that the athletes training within them have the ability perform the physical responsibilities required for their duties.

Bottom Line

When selecting your path consider whether you have a specific sport, performance, or other physical goal in mind.

If you’re training to improve in a specific sport and need a program of in-season or off-season training, select one the “train for a sport” option.

If you're training for the love of fitness without a particular sport as your primary focus, select the “train for a goal” option for a well-rounded and enjoyable training experience.

If you’re training to improve your physical ability as a service member or to enter a certain service field, select the “train for tactical readiness” option.

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