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Create Invoice (IV001)

Create Invoice (IV001)

Updated over 2 years ago

To create an invoice in PEAK, it does not refer to the quotation.
The step to create an invoice are as follows:

Step 1: Go to Revenue > Delivery Note/Invoice/Record AR > Click + Create.

Step 2: Fill in the details to create the invoice.

Refer to: Specify the information (if any). Limit to 32 characters.

Document Number: PEAK will automatically show the document number based on the document set. You can edit and specify the document number later.

Customer Information

Customer: Fill in the vendor code.

Issue Date: PEAK will default to the current date and this section can be edited to the date in the past or future later.

Due Date: PEAK will retrieve the due date from the setting menu.

Classification group (for Pro Plus Package)

You can specify the document to the classified groups (project, salesperson, sales channel) when creating the document, or can be specified later as well.

Pricing and tax setting

Pricing Type: PEAK will default to the price type based on the settings and can be edited when creating the document.

Issue Tax Invoice: If VAT is valid for the item in an invoice. If you want only an invoice, please close the issuance of the tax invoice and PEAK will record the accounting entries by using the account code of undue output VAT (215202)

If you open the issuance of tax invoice, PEAK will record the accounting entries by using the account code of output VAT (215201)

Currency: This section can specify the foreign currency. PEAK will default to the Thai baht.


Product/Service: Fill in the product/service code (if any).

Account: In case of selecting a product/service code, the system will automatically retrieve the chart of the accounts related to the product/service code or will be able to specify the chart of accounts later.

Description: When selecting a product/service code, the system will automatically retrieve the description related to the product/service code or fill in the description (limit to 1000 characters).

Quantity: Fill in the number of products/services.

Price/Q: Specify the price/unit.

Disc./Q: Specify the discount/unit (if any).

VAT: Select VAT rate at 7%, 0%, or no VAT.

WHT: Specify the withholding rate (if any).

If there is more than one item in the invoice, press + Add New Item button.

And to add a description, press + Add New Note button.

Remark for customer

PEAK will default the remark based on the setting menu or you can specify the remark when creating the document.

Step 3: If you already fill in all the invoice information, you can press the Save Draft or Approve Invoice button.

Step 4: Printing an invoice

You can click the drop-down button to select Print Invoice, Delivery Note/Project Delivery Note, Billing Note, Bill Of Goods, or Print Envelope.

You can click Journal No. to view the accounting records.

Example of accounting entries

- End of Create Invoice -

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