Empeo is a modern HR management software that comes with a contemporary user interface and accurate automated payroll processing. It focuses on developing a comprehensive people management system, including features for people management, leave management, training, and automated payroll processing. It aims to provide a flexible user experience tailored to the specific needs of each organization. It also integrates with PEAK to facilitate automatic accounting record and data verification.
Here are the steps to connect PEAK with empeo:
Step 1: Select the 'Settings' > 'Connect Apps Settings' > 'Connect Partner'.
Step 2: Choose 'empeo' and click on "Connect".
After clicking 'Connect', a pop-up window titled 'Term of use API to Other Web Sites' will appear. Check the box that says 'I have read and agree to the term of service before connecting API with the external source' and then select 'Confirm'.
Then click on "Connect".
Step 3: The system will display a Token for establishing the connection. Click on the eye icon to reveal the Token and then copy the link.
If you are a system administrator, you can copy the link by clicking on the eye icon at both the top and bottom. However, if you are a new user, you can copy the token link by clicking on the eye icon at the top only.
Step 4: Consult with Empeo Thailand on how to enter the token in the Empeo program to establish the connection with the Peak program.
Step 5: Setting up the account structure in PEAK and Empeo.
The main account code for salaries includes the following:
Account codes in PEAK:
530101 Wages and salary
125101 Softwares
520101 Sales commission
530104 Social security contributions
215501 Social security contributions payables
215201 Withholding tax payable (PND1)
Additional account codes to be added:
520310 Sales department salaries
510113 Cost of consulting services
510111 Cost of services in the accounting department
To add the salary account code 51XXX, 53XXX, and 52XXX, businesses should record them based on the departments within the company or the salary structure. Beware of using account codes above because each business can have various account code structure. So, businesses should require clarification from and consult with the accounting office responsible.
5.1 Set up in PEAK
To add the account codes in PEAK, refer to the "Add Account Structure" section.
5.2 Set up in empeo
Go to the 'Master' Menu > Income and Deductions. After entering, set up the account code for income and deductions accordingly. If a particular item corresponds to the income, add the data to the income side. For the account structure corresponding to the deduction item, add the data to the payment side.
Example of setting up income and deductions:
Income side: Salary/Wages 530101 is located on the income side since it is the salary paid to employees.
Click on the "Salary/Wages" tab, click on "Edit," and select the "Edit Account Data" tab. If you want the account code to be displayed on the debit or credit side, you can select the respective tab. Then enter the account code based on the department according to the salary account codes created in PEAK.
Deduction side, such as P.N.D.1 payable 215201, will be on the deduction side because this portion needs to be deducted and paid to the Revenue Department.
Click on the tax withholding tab, P.N.D.1, and select the edit tab to modify the account information. If you want the account code to be displayed as a debit or credit side, you can select the option directly. Then, enter the account code according to the department and account code created in PEAK.
Once the income and deduction items are added and completed in empeo, you can proceed to the Payroll creation process and click on the record button.
Step 6: Create Payroll
Go to the Payroll menu and select the payroll period, then click on salary calculation.
If you want to create payroll and enter employee salary information, click on the eye icon to enable the number input mode. Then, click on the name of the employee you want to enter salary information for. Once you have entered the data, click save.
Once you have entered the salary information for all employees, click on the salary calculation button.
After clicking on salary calculation, various pop-ups will appear. Enter the required information as follows:
Confirm the calculation, enter "คำนวณ" (calculate) in the remarks field, and click "Save."
Then, on the confirmation page, click "Yes."
To send the data for verification, enter the required information and click "Submit for Verification."
Enter "ตรวจสอบ" (verify) in the remarks field, and click "Save."
For data approval, enter the required information and click "Approve"
Enter "อนุมัติ" (approve) in the remarks field, and click "Save."
Then, on the confirmation page, click "Yes."
For closing the period, enter the required information and click "Close Period"
Enter "ปิดงวด" (close period) in the remarks field, and click "Save"
Then, on the confirmation page, click "Yes."
For payment, enter the required information and click "Make Payment."
Enter "ชำระเงิน" (make payment) in the remarks field, and click "Save."
You can watch the video tutorial on PEAK with empeo integration at the following link PEAK Account คลิปเดียวจบ ครบทุกการตั้งค่า PEAK Account - The Complete Clip starting at 45:00 seconds.
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