To create a billing note, you will create it by fetching the outstanding invoice. You can select many invoices to include in the billing note, and each billing note can create only a receipt.
If you want to create an installment billing note, follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to the Revenue menu >> Billing Note >> Create
Step 2: Select a customer name you want to create the billing note. Then, check the checkbox next to the documents you want to include in the billing note.
Step 3: Enter the installment amount in the Billing Amount field and click Next.
Step 4: The system will summarize the installment billing note information. The Net Total field will show the total amount of the referenced invoices, and the Billing Amount field will show the installment amount for this billing note.
When you have rechecked the information, you can approve the billing note.
Step 5: The system will create the installment billing note.
Step 6: Check the payment details, the amount received, the received date, the payment method, and click the "Payment" tab in the billing note.
Step 7: Click the ''Receive'' button.
Step 8: Enter the payment details >> click "Payment" button.
Note: If there is fee or other adjustment, you can select the "Advance" option, checkbox the "Fee or Adjustment", and choose the account number and amount to adjust.
Step 9: After receiving the payment, click the "Issue Receipt" button.
Step 10: Specify all information to issue the receipt.
Note: If you want to issue a receipt/tax invoice, you can click the "Issue Tax Invoice button".
Step 11: After rechecking the information, click the "Approve Receipt" button.
Step 12: Go to Revenue >> Invoice >> See all. Select the "Outstanding" tab. This shows the remaining balance of the invoices after creating the billing note.
Step 13: For the remaining payment amount, you can repeat steps 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. In the Notes field, you can specify that it is a payment for the remaining amount.
-End of Creating an Installment Billing Note-