First, You can select the required receipt by these steps.
1.Go to the "Revenue" menu >> "Receipt/Record Revenue" >> "See All".
2.Find the receipt you want to print >> click on the document number.
3.Click on the "drop-down" of the print button >> select the desired printing format.
Once you have clicked on it, the screen will display the document to be printed. You can print the document by clicking on the "(drop-down)" and selecting "Print PDF".
Example of a printed receipt/tax invoice.
The printing process การสั่งพิมพ์ใบสำคัญจ่าย, ใบรับรองแทนใบเสร็จรับเงิน, ใบรับสินค้า
If you want to change the document header that is not available in the system, you can customize it accordingly.วิธีเปลี่ยนชื่อหัวข้อของเอกสาร
- End of Printing a Receipt, Receive Note, and Cash Receipt -