The process of importing multiple journal entries at once into the general ledger, including general, purchase, sales, received, and payment journal, follows these steps:
Step 1 : Go to the "Revenue" menu > "Import Document".
Step 2 : Click on the dropdown arrow of the "Import Document" button and select the "Format PEAK".
Step 3 : Select the Daily Journal and click on the "Download this form (.xlsx)" button to download the Excel template for entering the information.
Before making any modifications to the exported Excel file, please enable editing by clicking 'Enable Editing.' It is recommended to read the information description before entering the actual information. When you understand this, select the 'Import Multiple Journal' sheet.
Step 4 : After entering all the information in excel file successfully, importing it into the system. Once you have checked and verified the information, click the "Create All Journal" button.
You can watch the video tutorial on how to Importing Daily General Journal at the following link : PEAK Account - Importing Daily General Journal.
-End of Importing Daily General Journal-