If you have added products/services information to the database, but you find that there are errors in the entered information. You can edit the products/services information by following these steps :
Step 1 : Select the "Products" menu >> "Product/Service" >> "Overview" >> Choose an item you want to edit.
Step 2 : Go to the "Option" button >> Select "Edit" from the drop-down menu.
Step 3 : Edit the information you want. If you want to make detailed edits, click on "Advanced" option. When you have made the changes, click on the "Save" button to save this.
Note : Document was created before you perform editing the information will still display the information before editing. If you want to update as the present information, you can click on "Re-data" button at the top-left corner, as shown in the example in the image below.
-End of Editing Products/Services Information-