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Opening Asset Balance (PA003)
Updated over a year ago

Before recording brought-forward assets, you need to add asset groups as a database in the system (How to add asset groups).

There are two methods for recording brought-forward assets:

Method 1: Recording assets item by item

Method 2: Importing Excel for recording brought-forward assets

After recording brought-forward asset balances in PEAK Asset, you also need to record them again in the general journal to put the balances in the financial statements. You can learn how to record brought-forward assets here (click "here").

Method 1: Recording assets item by item

This method helps you add assets to the asset register individually. It is useful when you have assets carried forward from previous periods that have not been recorded as purchases. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Go to 'PEAK Asset'

Select "Asset Register"

Step 1.2: Select the desired main category >> Select the desired subcategory >> Click on the asset code to record the assets.

Example: Recording asset as 'PEAK buildings'.

Step 1.3: Click the dropdown of the 'Import Asset' button >> Select "Import Record Asset Balance".

Step 1.4: A pop-up window for recording assets will appear.

Specify the purchase date, the depreciation start date, the cost of asset, and the accumulated depreciation brought forward. Once you have entered and verify the data, click the 'Confirm' button.

Example: To record a brought-forward asset, such as an asset purchased on 16/05/2020 with the accounting period ending on 31/12/2020, having a cost value of 1,000,000 baht and intending to create an asset for the starting accounting period from 01/01/2021, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase Date = 16/05/2020

  2. Depreciation start date = 01/01/2021

  3. Cost of Asset = 1,000,000

  4. Accumulated Depreciation Brought Forward = 25,138.86

After clicking the button, the system will add the asset item to the selected asset group. However, the system will not record the asset value, and accumulated depreciation brought forward, unless the asset specifies that PEAK calculate depreciation retrospectively. In such cases, the system will record the retrospective JVDP (Journal Voucher Depreciation) based on the calculated values.

When the confirmation button is pressed, the system will add the new asset to the selected

Method 2: Importing Excel for recording brought-forward assets involves adding assets using an Excel file. The steps are as follows:

Step 2.1: Go to PEAK Asset, navigate to the "Asset Register" menu > "Import Record asset balance."

Step 2.2: A pop-up for importing brought-forward assets will appear.

You can click the "Download this form (.xlsx)" button to obtain the Excel file from the system. Fill in the required data for the assets you wish to import. You can refer to the "Description" sheet for more details.

An example of the exported Excel file, before making any modifications, requires you to "Enable Editing" and it is recommended to read the "Description" sheet before entering the data. Once you have finished reading, select the "ImportFixAsset" sheet.

Step 2.3: After entering the data, upload the file to the system. Then, verify the accuracy of the data once again before clicking the "Import Record Asset Balance" button to import the assets.

You can watch the video on recording brought-forward assets (PA003) at this link PEAK Account How to recording asset balance start at 11:49

-End of Opening Asset Balance-

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