Receiving a credit card payment can be done by following the steps below:
Step 1: Add e-Wallet Payment Method
Step 2: Receiving a Credit Card Payment
Step 3: Charging a Fee to the Credit Card Payment System
Step 4: Receiving a Remaining Amount from the Payment System
Example: Receiving Payment with a Credit Card via the Omise System
Step 1: Add e-Wallet Payment Method
Step 1.1: Go to the Finance menu and select 'Cash/Bank/e-Wallet', then click on "+ Add Channel".
Step 1.2: Provide an Information for receiving a payment
You can enter the information by 2 types, ''Basic'' and ''Advance'' (more details).
If selecting 'Basic' data entry:
After clicking on '+ Add Channel', a pop-up will appear to Add New Payment Method.
Payment Method Type: Select e-Wallet (an electronic wallet used for transactions
involving other service providers, such as e-commerce sales or
topping up funds for app-based payments).
Payment gateway type: Choose None-Bank.
Provider: Choose the payment service provider (e.g., Omise, 2C2P).
Account Name: The system will automatically display the business name (can edit).
Account Number: Enter the credit card number or the bank account number linked to the credit card.
If selecting 'Advance' data entry:
More detailed information can be provided, as follows.
Record Accounting As: Select the account number for recording an account entry
Description: Detail for the credit card
Selecting whether this credit card is for accepting payment or making payment. Then, click on "+ Add New Payment Method".
Step 2: Receiving a Credit Card Payment
For this example, it's a recording the payment received by Omise in the invoice.
When creating a document and processing the payment step, the system will be shown the payment method has been set up in Step 1, You can select the desired payment method directly.
After approving the transaction, the data will be showed on the finance menu.
Choose the credit card account.
The received payment transaction is displayed as following this.
Step 3: Charging Fees to the Credit Card Payment System
To charge fees to the service provider.
Go to the Expenses menu >> Expense record >> and create a new transaction.
Enter the required information, select the '530501 - bank fee' from the account list, or add a new chart of account to do this. For instructions on Adding a New Chart of Account, refer to this guide.
Select the desired payment method, such as Omise or 2C2P, and click on "Approve" to record the payment transaction.
Step 4: Receiving a Remaining Amount from the Payment System
Go to the Finance menu >> select Cash/Bank/e-Wallet >> and choose the desired e-Wallet account.
Select 'Action' and click on 'Transfer Payment'.
After clicking on 'Transfer Payment', enter the required information and specify the receiving payment method from the payment system. Then, click on 'Confirm'.
- End of Receiving a Credit Card Payment -