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How to Add, Rename, and Manage Boards

Learn how to add, rename, and navigate whiteboards for more effective and efficient online classroom management.

Imran Ahmed avatar
Written by Imran Ahmed
Updated over a year ago

In Pencil Spaces, a Space is an individual session that involves an infinite whiteboard canvas with video conferencing. Meanwhile, a board is an individual whiteboard canvas that has infinite space.

In a Space, you can create as many boards as you would like. You can also rename or delete them, see which participants are on each board, and you can use leader mode to get everyone to see the same thing that you see.

Creating Boards

If you insert a PDF or you open questions from the course library, a new board will automatically be created. To learn more about how to add a PDF to your Space, please read the following article: How to upload PDF files to the whiteboard.
You can also create new boards as seen below:

To add a Board to your Space, navigate to the top left of your screen and select "View boards"

From there, a dropdown menu will appear that shows you the number of Boards in your Space, as well as the Board on which you are currently working. To add a new Board, click the blue โ€œ+ Newโ€ button.

The Board will show up in the dropdown menu, ready for you to use.

Renaming Boards

There are two ways to rename your Boards. Firstly, open the dropdown menu on the top left of your screen to reveal all of the Boards in your Space.

When you hover your mouse over a Board, a 3-dot icon will appear.

Click on this icon, and you will be presented with a dropdown menu with the option to rename your Board. From there, rename the Board to whatever you prefer and click "Enter" on your keyboard!

A second way to do this is by hovering your mouse over a board and moving your mouse over to the name of the board. Once the name is outlined in a blue rectangle, click on the Board name.

From there, youโ€™ll be able to rename your board however you like and click "Enter" on your keyboard to confirm your selection.

Navigating Boards

To navigate Boards, open up the dropdown menu to access all of your Boards. The Board that you are currently working on will be highlighted with a blue outline. To switch between Boards, scroll through the dropdown menu until you find the Board that you wish to work on, then click on the Board to start working on it.

Deleting Boards

If you would like to delete a board in your space, simply open the dropdown menu, hover your mouse over the board you would like to delete and click the three dots.

From there, select "Delete". You will then be asked to confirm your selection. Either click "Delete board" or "Cancel". Keep in mind that you will not be able to recover the board after deleting it, so choose wisely!

We hope that you found this article helpful. If you need any extra assistance, our support team is always happy to help you!

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