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How to use Chat

Learn how to use the chat function in Pencil Spaces

Marissa Agno avatar
Written by Marissa Agno
Updated over a week ago

In Pencil Spaces, each Space has its own chat where you can send group messages and direct messages. Everyone that has access to that Space can send messages that include text, links, and even images.

Unlike other apps that delete messages when a call ends, messages in Spaces are always preserved, giving you the option to review them any time. What's more, messages are also synced across different Spaces. If you're messaging a friend in one Space, you'll be able to view those messages across all your other Spaces so you always have context. Welcome to the future of education!

To learn how the chat works, take a look at this quick video:

Messaging Everyone in the Chat

To message everyone in your chat, start by clicking the “Chat” button found on the left-hand side of your screen.

Once you open your chat, you will see that you can message everyone in your Space, or direct message anyone with access to your Space. To send a message to everyone in your Space, click the “Everyone in this Space” button.

Any messages you send in that chat can be viewed and responded to by everyone with access to the Space. Pencil’s chat feature preserves all messages you put in the “Everyone in this Space” chat across all your calls. This way, when you leave the Space and come back, or you join a call late, you will still be able to see all the messages that have ever been put in that chat.

Direct Messaging in the Chat

To send a direct message to someone in your Space, first open your chat by clicking the “Chat” button found on the left-hand side of your screen.

Once you open your chat, you will see that you can message everyone in your Space, or direct message anyone with access to your Space. Click on the name of the person you would like to send a direct message.

Any direct messages you send to participants in your Space can only be accessed by the participant you have sent the message to. Pencil’s direct messages are not only saved across calls in your Space, similar to messages that are sent in the “Everyone in this Space” chat, but they are also saved across all Spaces as well. This means that if you send a direct message to a participant in one Space, you will be able to view your message history with this participant in all other Spaces you both have access to.

How to add images in the chat

Pencil’s chat also supports images so you can both send and receive images in all your chats. To send an image in your chat, open the chat you want to send an image in. Copy the image that you wish to share and paste it into your chatbox. Text can also be added to the same chat message prior to sending.

Once you are happy with the content in your message, hit send, and anyone with access to your chat will be able to view the image.

Deleting Chat Messages

Anything you send in a chat can be deleted. To learn more about how to delete messages in your chat, please read the following article: How to clear your chat in Pencil Spaces.

If you have any other questions, feel free to click the "Help" button in Pencil Spaces or email

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