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How to Use Reactions in Pencil Spaces

Learn how to use reactions in Pencil Spaces for further participant engagement on a call

Marissa Agno avatar
Written by Marissa Agno
Updated over a week ago

In Pencil Spaces Gallery-Mode, participants have access to Reactions. To learn about how to expand into Gallery-Mode, please read the following Article: Video Views in Pencil Spaces: Whiteboard, Gallery-Mode, Speaker-Mode, and Full-Screen Mode.

Once you are in Gallery-Mode, you will be able to see the reaction button on the bottom center of your screen. Click the reaction button to display all the emotes you have available to you.

You can then select whichever reaction you would like to use. For example, here we are using the 'thumbs up' emote.

The emote will appear on the top right corner of the participant box for the participant who selected the reaction.

How to Use Gesture Recognition

The Gesture Recognition function recognizes participants' physical reactions and recreates these into emotes in the top right corner of the participant's box. The participant's camera must be turned on in order for gesture recognition to work. If you would like to learn more about how to set up your camera, please read the following Article: Setting up your Video and Microphone Permissions in Pencil Spaces.

To turn on gesture recognition, you enter gallery-mode and click the reaction button found at the bottom center of your screen.

From there, you will see that at the top of the reactions box, there is the gesture recognition button. It is automatically disabled when you start a call. To enable it, all you need to do is click it.

From there, you will be able to react during the call by physically doing the reaction, and the corresponding emote will appear on the top corner of your participant box.

How to Disable Emotes

If you do not want reactions to be used during the call, they can be turned off by clicking the reaction button on the bottom center of your screen. You can then click the button shaped like an eye. This will silence the emotes.

If you have any further questions about how to use Pencil Spaces, our team is always here to help!

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