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Commercial Partnerships in Digital Health
Commercial Partnerships in Digital Health

How an app can be a health service

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Escrito por Salma
Actualizado hace más de 3 meses

Perx is a leading company within the new industry of Digital Health. These companies represent a new way of delivering health services to people in order to achieve outcomes in the real world. We believe that a smartphone application can support you to achieve better health in a way that's both effective and scientific, just like a medical device or health coaching service.

How to tell the difference between Digital Health and advertising/data health apps?

Unfortunately the first wave of health apps were not made by Digital Health companies but rather marketing companies. Some of the biggest health apps today make money by pushing as many advertisements as possible to users or selling your data to the highest bidder. These companies need to reach millions of people and aren't really interested in whether your health improves but rather are seeking "eyeballs" and "clicks".

Digital Health companies like Perx are very different. These companies are paid by health organisations for achieving real world health benefits. Under this system, the value Perx creates is directly based on how many people we help and the outcomes they achieve while using Perx. This is why we care so much about your experience on Perx, because our business model depends on helping you improve your health. Plus we are a passionate team of individuals committed to our mission to improve health!

How do your commercial partners know you are improving health?

To prove our impact, we report back de-identified and aggregate data on each program's performance to the specific Commercial Partner who sponsors the program.

Furthermore, the most credible Digital Health companies are even subjecting their products to clinical research. Such research is used to establish the scientific evidence-base for the digital products efficacy, just like a new medical device would be tested. At Perx, we have undertaken such trials with the University of Technology Sydney, the University of Sydney and Australia's largest public health system (NSW Health). This research has been peer-reviewed and presented across the world and we have much more research underway to prove our health impact.

Who does Perx partner with?

Perx runs programs for health organisations like healthcare providers, health insurers and life-science companies. So there's a three way relationship between you, Perx and the specific Commercial Partner who sponsors your particular program (but no others). You should know who your Commercial Partner is because they may have referred you to the app, their branding is generally included in the app experience, and/or you were told by your health professional. If you are not sure, feel free to ask us via the in-app support.

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