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Pillow is not syncing or writing data to Apple Health
Pillow is not syncing or writing data to Apple Health
Aktualizováno před více než týdnem

If Pillow does not record, transfer of sync your sleep data to Apple Health or stops doing so after an update please follow these steps to resolve the issue:

1. Set up the required permissions

Pillow requires your permission in order to have read and write access to specific Apple Health Metrics. To set up those permissions:

  1. Open Pillow on the iPhone

  2. Tap on the Settings icon at the top right corner

  3. Select “Permissions“

  4. Ensure all permissions have a green checkmark

2. Reset Apple Health permissions

Follow these steps in that particular order, to reset permissions from Apple Health:

  1. Open the Apple Health app on your iPhone

  2. Tap on your profile icon on the top right corner

  3. In the Privacy section select Go to "Apps" > "Pillow"

  4. Make sure the switches all Apple Health categories listed, are enabled

  5. Important: Restart your iPhone and your Apple Watch (if you have paired one)

If the problem persists, please contact our support team to help you.

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