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Všechny sbírkyAlarms & Smart Wake-up
The alarm does not go off or is completely silent.
The alarm does not go off or is completely silent.
Aktualizováno před více než týdnem

This article provides recommendations and troubleshooting steps in case the alarm in Pillow does not go off or the alarm goes off but no audio is played:

1. Make sure you have the latest versions of software installed

First, make sure you have the latest version of Pillow, iOS and if you are using the Apple Watch, the latest version of watchOS. Beta versions of iOS and watchOS are not supported.

2. Check the background refresh capability for Pillow? To do so:

  1. Open the Watch app on the iPhone

  2. Go to General -> Background app refresh

  3. If the switch corresponding to Pillow is OFF, turn it to ON. If it's already ON, turn it OFF and then back ON again

3. Ensure that your alarm preset supports alarms
To create an alarm preset:

  1. Open Pillow on the iPhone/iPad

  2. Tap on the alarm clock icon at the bottom left corner of the screen

  3. If no preset mode is yet available, tap on the Plus button and design one

  4. If a preset is available, tap on the icon at the top right corner to access the settings and make sure that the "Alarm" switch at the top is ON.

4. Sound from the iTunes library is not available offline
If you have selected an alarm sound from your iTunes library, please make sure that the sound you have selected is available for listening offline. To check if the sound is available offline: select the sound in Pillow, enable Airplane mode and tap on the play button to ensure that sound is playable.

If the problem persists please contact our support team to help you.

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