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Všechny sbírkySleep aid
What is Sleep Aid?
What is Sleep Aid?
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Sleep Aid is Pillow's feature that helps you relax and fall asleep easier. You can locate it by taping on the icon representing a half-moon and a note. If you enable Sleep Aid in one of your preset modes, then the next time you start a sleep session a calming melody, sound or voice will be heard to help you doze off.

The duration of the Sleep Aid sound depends on each aid's duration as well as on your preset settings, ranging from 15 minutes to 2 hours. You can also select the "Don't turn off" option to allow Pillow to keep reproducing the sleep aid sound for the whole duration of your sleep session, or enable "Automatic" so that the sound you have selected will play until Pillow senses that you are asleep, in which case the sleep aid sound will automatically stop.

The most recent version of Pillow (v4.0) has revamped Sleep aid's functionality and customisation by offering a variety of Meditations, Stories, Soundscenes and Music to chose from, while more content is on the way. If the sound is too loud and disturbing, you can use the hardware volume buttons on the side of your device to adjust the sleep aid volume or disable it completely via your preset mode.

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