I can't restore my purchase

Troubleshooting steps when you can't restore your purchase of Pillow Premium

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Before troubleshooting:

Pillow Premium has been offered as a recurring subscription since Pillow v.3.9. Before Pillow v.3.9 all the Premium Features could be purchased as a one-time in-app purchase. This article addresses only issues that are related to the restoration of that one-time in-app purchase. If you have purchased a subscription, please contact our support team to help you.

Troubleshooting steps:

1. Ensure that you have an active Internet connection.

Purchase and receipt is done exclusively by Apple. When you tap to restore your in-app purchase Pillow will try to ask Apple's servers about the status of your purchase.

2. Temporary unavailability of Apple's servers

Sometimes Apple's servers might not respond or maybe temporarily unavailable for technical reasons. In this case we recommend trying to restore at a later time.

3. Check your Apple ID

Make sure that you're signed in with the same Apple ID you used to make the purchase. Sign in with a different Apple ID if you need to. All transactions are tied to your AppleID. There is no way we can transfer your purchase from one AppleID to another.

To check if you have purchased Pillow Premium with your current Apple ID please check your purchase history by following this link:

4. Disable restrictions that are enabled on your device

Apple provides various options to restrict in-app purchases. Check the restrictions on your device to make sure in-app purchases are allowed.

5. Check your payment information

Make sure your payment information for the App Store is up to date and try restoring again.

6. Restart your device

Sometimes iOS gets stuck and you have to restart your device

7. Contact Apple

If none of the above troubleshooting steps restore the issue, you contact Apple by reporting a problem. Click here to report a problem:

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