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Automatic Sleep Tracking
Automatic Sleep Tracking
Updated over 2 years ago

Automatic mode

In this mode, Pillow tracks your sleep automatically without the need to press any buttons or perform any other action when you go to sleep. The only requirement is that you wear your Apple Watch during sleep. As long as automatic mode is on Pillow will detect and analyze sleep automatically.

In order to perform automatic sleep tracking and detection, Pillow requires access to the various Apple Health categories. When prompted, please select "Allow all".

Alarms and audio recordings are not possible while Pillow is in automatic mode due to current technical limitations on iOS/WatchOS. To use those features you have to switch to one of your presets and start the session manually.

1. Enabling automatic mode

Automatic sleep tracking is enabled by default.

You can enable automatic sleep tracking mode anytime from Pillow settings by following these steps:

  1. Open Pillow on your iPhone.

  2. Tap on the "Settings" icon at the top right corner of the screen to access Pillow's settings.

  3. Scroll down to find the "Automatic detection" switch and make sure it is ON.

Note: You only have to turn on automatic mode once. As long as automatic mode is on Pillow will detect and analyze your sleep automatically every day without any further interaction.

Note: If you want to use Pillow in automatic mode only, you don’t have to install Pillow on your Apple Watch.

2. Viewing your sleep analysis when automatic mode is ON

You can view your detected sessions either from your iPhone or your Apple Watch:

Note: The Apple Watch app will only show today's session(s). To view all sessions, including previous days, iPhone app should be used.

From your iPhone:
1. Open Pillow on your iPhone. Pillow will open directly in the "Sleep diary" view for the current day.

From your Apple Watch:
1. Open Pillow on your Apple Watch. Pillow will open directly in the “Sleep Diary“ view for the current day. Scroll down to view all detected sleep sessions.

The "Sleep Diary" view:

In the “Sleep Diary” view you can see two sleep rings: one for the time asleep and one for the total sleep quality for that day (calculated as weight average of the sleep quality for any detected sleep sessions). When Pillow detects any sleep for that day, it will display one or more sleep summaries, each representing one detected sleep session.

You can tap on a sleep summary to open the detailed sleep Analysis for that session. Scroll to view a breakdown of the various sleep stages. Swipe right/left to view your other recorded sleep sessions.

Note: In automatic mode Pillow will try to detect sleep automatically in the background or when you launch the app. You can also force Pillow to check for an available sleep session by swiping down at the top of "Sleep Diary" screen.

3. Sleep calendar: detecting and accessing sleep sessions from previous days

You can view any detected sleep sessions from previous days by tapping on the calendar icon in the top right corner of th e "Sleep Diary" view on your iPhone. You can also tap on any of the days of the week that appear above the sleep rings to navigate directly to that date.

If one or more sleep sessions have been detected for that day, a little purple dot will appear under that date. If Pillow hasn’t detected any sleep for that date, then Pillow will try to detect any sleep sessions for that specific day.

4. Exclude time from automatic sleep detection

Use this option to exclude any time during the day from automatic sleep detection. The exclude time option can be found in "Settings", under "Automatic Detection". Tap on the start and end times to adjust the time of day that you wish to exclude. If you select to exclude more than 16 hours during the day, Pillow will highlight the current value with red to give you a warning.

If you don’t want to exclude any time, simply turn on “24hrs detection”, which is selected by default.

4.1 "Usual Bedtime"

Inform Pillow at which time you usually go to bed so that it can determine on which date a detected sleep session should be attributed to.

5. Merging one or more sleep sessions

If Pillow detects more than one sleep session and those sleep sessions are less than 6 hours apart, you can choose to merge them into one following these steps:

  1. Open Pillow on your iPhone.

  2. Tap on "Edit" below the sleep graphs.

  3. Select the sleep sessions that you wish to merge.

  4. Tap on "Merge" at the bottom right side.

  5. Select if the intermediate periods between the selected sleep sessions should be considered as "Asleep" or "Awake" and tap on "Merge".

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