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How Do I Add A Venue or Brand?
How Do I Add A Venue or Brand?

Create a new venue in your Pngfluence account

Oliver Andersen-Cox avatar
Written by Oliver Andersen-Cox
Updated over a week ago

Think of adding a venue or brand to publish offers as storytelling where you're the narrator, and we've made sure it's a breeze to tell your tale.

No matter where you are in your dashboard, your starting point is just a click away. Find 'Places' in the sidebar, which is like the secret doorway to the world of possibilities. Then, with a click of the 'Create Place or Brand' button, you'll step into our creator wizard—a friendly guide that's as straightforward as following a recipe.

As you saunter through each step, you're weaving the story of your venue or brand. The richness of your narrative comes from the details: the location that sets the stage, the description that paints the picture, and the quality images that add color and life to your story. It's these touches that will help you shine on the app, catching the eyes of influencers and customers alike.

Pour your venue's soul or brand's spirit into every field, and watch as the platform brings it to life, ready to greet the world with its best foot forward.

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