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Pingfluence Community Guidelines
Pingfluence Community Guidelines
Oliver Andersen-Cox avatar
Written by Oliver Andersen-Cox
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Pingfluence! We are committed to fostering a positive and safe community for all our influencers and users. As an influencer on our platform, you play a crucial role in shaping the atmosphere and culture of our community. To ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience for everyone, we've established the following guidelines:

  1. Respect and Inclusivity: Treat all community members, regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender, or beliefs, with respect and empathy. Avoid engaging in any form of discrimination, harassment, or hate speech.

  2. Authenticity and Transparency: Be genuine and transparent in your interactions with your followers. Clearly disclose any sponsored content, partnerships, or promotions to maintain trust and integrity.

  3. Content Guidelines: Ensure that your content complies with our platform's policies and relevant legal guidelines. Content should be appropriate for all audiences and must not include any explicit, violent, or offensive material.

  4. Intellectual Property: Respect the intellectual property rights of others. Only share content that you have the right to use, and avoid using copyrighted material without proper authorization.

  5. Privacy and Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of your followers and other community members. Avoid sharing sensitive or confidential information about yourself or others.

  6. Cybersecurity and Safety: Protect your account from unauthorized access by using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication. If you encounter any security issues, promptly report them to our support team.

  7. Engage Constructively: Encourage positive interactions with your followers and fellow influencers. Constructive criticism is welcome, but avoid engaging in online conflicts or bullying.

  8. Prohibited Activities: Do not engage in any illegal or unethical activities while using our platform. This includes, but is not limited to, spamming, hacking, fraud, or encouraging harmful behavior.

  9. Reporting Concerns: If you encounter any content or behavior that violates our guidelines or makes you uncomfortable, report it to our moderation team immediately. We take all reports seriously and will take appropriate actions to address the issue.

  10. Community Building: Promote a sense of community and support among influencers. Collaborate, share knowledge, and help others grow in their influencer journey.

  11. Anti-Bullying: Pingfluence has a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying or any form of online harassment. Treat all community members with kindness and empathy, even in times of disagreement. Engaging in any behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate others will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, cyberbullying, offensive comments, and personal attacks. If you witness or experience any form of bullying, please report it immediately so that appropriate action can be taken.

  12. Welcoming New People: As an influencer on Pingfluence, you play a vital role in creating a welcoming atmosphere for new members. Embrace and support newcomers, making them feel included and valued within the community. Engage in positive interactions and provide helpful guidance to those who may be unfamiliar with our platform. By fostering an inclusive environment, we can ensure that everyone feels comfortable and encouraged to participate.

  13. No Product Promotion or Selling:

    Pingfluence is dedicated to fostering a genuine community atmosphere. To maintain the integrity of our platform and ensure an authentic experience for all members, we strictly prohibit the promotion, advertisement, or selling of products or services. This space is meant for building connections, sharing experiences, and supporting each other in the influencer journey. Any content that directly promotes or sells a product, service, or personal agenda detracts from our community-centric vision and will not be permitted.

    While we understand the importance of business growth and outreach, we ask that you respect the primary purpose of our platform – to nurture a strong, supportive community vibe. Any posts or interactions deemed promotional in nature will be reviewed, and appropriate actions will be taken, which could include content removal or account penalties.

    If you come across any content that seems promotional or in violation of this guideline, please report it to our moderation team for review.

    By ensuring that our interactions remain genuine and community-focused, we can create a space where every member feels valued and heard without being subjected to sales pitches or promotional tactics.

Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in penalties, including temporary or permanent suspension of your account on Pingfluence. Remember, the community's safety and well-being are paramount, and we appreciate your cooperation in creating a positive and inclusive environment.

Thank you for being a valuable part of the Pingfluence community. Let's work together to make our platform a safe space for all!

Lots of love

The Pingfluence Team

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