
Hijingo Bingo 80's Launch Event

Oliver Andersen-Cox avatar
Written by Oliver Andersen-Cox
Updated over a week ago

Pingfluence Stepped In To Save The Day

Hijingo bingo is an adrenaline-fuelled and electrifying experience is a glimpse into the future of bingo.

Incredible video and motion graphics, floor-to-ceiling LED lighting, and a killer soundtrack will have anyone on the edge of their seat as they are fully immersed in the show. They are living in the future here; bingo with a pulse. Each game is a new opportunity for you to win epic prizes.

What We Did

Hijingo's PR company went bust a with only a week to go before the launch event and they were wanting to find 180 influential people and celebrities to fill their venue and create hype around the new game.

They came to us knowing our database of influencers looking for help, and we pitched to take on the whole 180 whilst advising them to focus on creators over celebrities.

The Result

Pingfluence successfully packed the entire venue with a dynamic assembly of influencers, celebrities, and creators, all of whom were obligated to share content from the event.

Across both TikTok and Instagram platforms, a remarkable tally of 300+ content pieces encompassing stories, reels, and posts flooded in, undeniably generating a surplus of excitement and anticipation.

In the aftermath, the impact was vividly evident as Hijingo experienced an anticipated and substantial surge in bookings over the subsequent days.

How We Did It

Our database is over 1000 strong in London and so we simple create a listing on the Pingfluence app for all creators with a following over 25k and broadcasted out notifications to our users.

We also informed our community of the event through our community Whatsapp and within 2 days we were 80% full.

We spend the remaining 2 days reaching out to the larger talent on our books and were able to pull in a collective guest following of over 15 million people.

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