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Pingfluence Influencer Events
Pingfluence's Grand Influencer Event at Gravity, Wandsworth
Pingfluence's Grand Influencer Event at Gravity, Wandsworth
Oliver Andersen-Cox avatar
Written by Oliver Andersen-Cox
Updated over a week ago

Introduction: Pingfluence, a renowned influencer marketing platform and app, joined hands with Gravity in Wandsworth to showcase the power and agility of influencer-driven events. With a mission to redefine influencer marketing experiences and create unparalleled buzz, the event exceeded all expectations.

The Event: Set against the backdrop of Gravity, Wandsworth's premier entertainment center, the event sprawled across three levels of non-stop fun and action.

  • Engagement Activities: The eclectic mix of go-karts, augmented reality darts, bowling, mini golf, and VR not only ensured influencers had a great time, but also provided a rich tapestry of experiences to share with their followers. This variety ensured that there was something for every kind of influencer, from tech enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies to those who prefer a laid-back game of mini-golf.

  • Scale: A remarkable gathering of 130 influencers, carefully selected from Pingfluence's expansive network, graced the event. The diversity and scale ensured that a variety of niches and audiences were tapped into.


  1. Extensive Reach: The event generated an impressive 1000+ pieces of social media content. From Instagram stories, tweets, Facebook posts to TikTok videos, influencers left no stone unturned to document their experiences. As a result, content from the event reached over 7 million accounts, showcasing the collective power of the assembled influencers.

  2. Client Feedback: Gravity, having witnessed the success and massive engagement generated from the event, provided overwhelmingly positive feedback. The success not only fortified their trust in influencer marketing but also in the efficacy of Pingfluence as a platform. They immediately expressed interest in organizing further events, reflecting the long-term business implications of a single successful event.

  3. Turnaround Time: What set this event apart was not just the reach and engagement but the time frame in which it was organized. With under three days to put the event together, Pingfluence demonstrated agility, efficiency, and the ability to mobilise resources at short notice, highlighting its value proposition as a rapid-response influencer marketing platform.

Sponsor Highlight: Whitney Neil and Dead Man's Finger

Whitney Neil: An acclaimed alcohol brand, known for its sophisticated array of gins, stepped up as a key sponsor for the event. Their association added an essence of luxury and exclusivity. Influencers and attendees were given the unique opportunity to sample some of the finest gins from their collection. Whether it was through Instagram stories of clinking glasses or tweets raving about the nuanced flavors, Whitney Neil’s presence was strongly felt and greatly appreciated.

Dead Man's Finger: Adding a tropical twist to the evening was our second sponsor, Dead Man's Finger, a brand celebrated for its distinctive rums. As influencers navigated the floors of entertainment, they were also treated to an adventurous journey of taste. The rum tasting segment created a lively atmosphere, transporting attendees to the Caribbean coasts with every sip. The buzz it created, both offline and online, was palpable.

Sponsor Impact: The strategic partnership with these alcohol brands elevated the event's ambiance. It offered influencers not just activities to engage with but also a sensory experience to savor and share with their audience. The sophisticated taste of Whitney Neil's gins paired with the bold flavors of Dead Man's Finger's rum presented a delightful contrast and an enhanced narrative for content creators. This collaboration emphasized the importance of aligning with brands that resonate with the event’s theme and audience, ensuring a holistic and memorable experience for all involved.

Conclusion: The Pingfluence-Gravity partnership set a new benchmark in influencer-driven events. It underscored the potential of immersive experiences combined with the right platform and influencer mix. The event's massive reach, combined with its rapid execution, emphasized the unique value proposition of Pingfluence in the influencer marketing ecosystem.

Future clients can view this as a testament to Pingfluence's capacity to deliver exceptional results, even under tight deadlines. This case serves as a blueprint for the future of influencer marketing events - fast, fun, and far-reaching

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