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Date and Time Booking System
Date and Time Booking System
Oliver Andersen-Cox avatar
Written by Oliver Andersen-Cox
Updated over a week ago

The 'Arrange Date & Time' feature on our platform is like your personal assistant for setting up influencer collaborations. It's all about giving you the reins to define when your doors are open for influencers, making sure everything fits neatly into your calendar.

Here's a friendly guide to getting things set up:

Start by selecting the 'Arrange Date and Time' option – think of it as setting up a coffee date with your brand's next advocate.

Stroll through the setup, filling in the nitty-gritty details until you land on the 'Availability' section – this is where the magic happens.

Now, pick a day – any day that you think, "Yes, this is when I want to showcase my business."

Next, slide into the time slots. This is where you tell us the hours you're saying, "Welcome!" to influencers. Decide how many golden tickets (slots) you're offering for these prime times.

Go ahead and repeat these steps for each day you're rolling out the red carpet.

After dotting the i's and crossing the t's, hit 'Save' – don't leave your hard work hanging!

When an influencer throws their hat into the ring for a date and time, it'll pop up in your requests like an invite to a VIP event. They can only pick from the times you've set, so there's no risk of double-booking or overbooking.

Got a request? Simply hit 'Respond' to get the lowdown on their proposed visit. You'll have three neat options to choose from:

  • Decline: Say "Thanks, but no thanks" with a click.

  • Accept: Give the green light to their proposed time.

  • Request New Date: If the timing's not quite right, suggest a rain check.

And if life throws you a curveball and you need to reschedule a confirmed booking? No sweat. Dive into the request details, and you’ll find a way to communicate with the influencer, ensuring everyone's on the same page for a new date. It's as simple as rescheduling a catch-up with a friend.

A confirmation email will be dispatched to you once the booking is finalised.

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